Public Records Request
Need to make a Public Records Request?
Please email us at:
Important Information
When the School District receives a Public Record Request, it is acknowledged to within 24-48 hours that the request is received (we have up to ten days to acknowledge original request). There is a direct email for Public Record Requests ( and a link on our website. Once request is acknowledged, the department where the record comes from is notified of the public record request. The department advises the cost to provide the requested record and the records custodian sends a formatted letter to the person requesting the record of approximate cost.
If requestor agrees to the fee, the request is fulfilled and they are notified accordingly to bring in payment and pick up record.
Under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, things that are required:
Florida law does not set forth a specific number of days during which to fulfill a request (however it is our goal to get the request complete as quickly as possible).
You are not required to provide the requestor with a specific date the production will be complete.
Make every effort to acknowledge the request as promptly as possible, preferable within one day to the extent possible under the circumstances.
Fill it as quickly as reasonably possible.
Under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, things we are not required to:
Reformat records to suit the requestor's needs.
Create records that do not exist.
Respond to information requests (e.g. answer questions about information in records).
Perform research for a requestor.
Respond to a "standing" request.